Shingle Roofing

Shingle Roofing, Decatur, TX

Our Team Can Take Care Of All Of Your Shingle Roofing Needs.

Shingle roofing is the most traditional and widely used roofing type in the United States and throughout Decatur, Texas. Shingle roofing can be applied to almost any roofing surface and is flexible enough to be configured on the most angular of spaces. Shingle roofing does require a pitched roof to make sure rainwater is drained off efficiently and is available in a wide variety of styles, so roofs can be customized to match the client’s design aesthetic for a beautiful result.

At Matthews Roofing LLC, we offer shingle roofing for homes and businesses in Decatur. We are adept at installing, repairing, and replacing shingle roofing in a timely, efficient, and effective manner. Shingles are a cost-effective option for roofing, which is one of the reasons they are so popular. They are high-performing, energy efficient, and have a great wind and fire rating, making them a safer choice for many homeowners. If you were to experience damage to your roof, shingles are easily repairable, and sections of the roof can be replaced without having to do a full replacement, as you would with other roofing types.

If you are looking for a skilled roofing contractor for your shingle roofing, reach out to us. We have 51 years of experience, and our team of highly skilled individuals will take excellent care of your roof, down to the last detail. We perform all roofing work with a high level of skill and are dedicated to outstanding results. We never take shortcuts, and we make sure things are done properly from the get-go. Give us a call today to schedule with our team and see why we are industry leaders!

  • Shingles Roofing


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About Us

At Matthews Roofing LLC, we offer a comprehensive range of roofing services to help you keep your Decatur, Texas property in peak condition.

Hours of Operation

Mon - Sat
  • Gray Metal Roof

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